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Not everyone who uses WordPress is a web designer or developer. In fact, understanding how to build a custom WordPress theme takes a good knowledge of PHP. Theme development company ‘Elegant Themes’ realized that users wanted to be able to design their own site layout inside of WordPress. They developed the drag-and-drop WordPress theme to make it easy for WordPress users to build their own custom sites, without knowledge of code. If you haven’t had a chance to look at the Divi WordPress theme, let’s take a look at some of its amazing features.

并非每个使用WordPress的人都是网页设计师或开发人员。 实际上,了解如何构建自定义WordPress主题需要PHP的丰富知识。 主题开发公司“ Elegant Themes”意识到用户希望能够在WordPress中设计自己的网站布局。 他们开发了拖放式WordPress主题,以使WordPress用户轻松构建自己的自定义网站,而无需了解代码。 如果您没有机会了解Divi WordPress主题,那么让我们看一下它的一些惊人功能。

版面 (Layouts)

You can use the traditional WordPress interface, or you can use the Divi page builder. This enables you to stack and arrange components that are pre-made for specific purposes.

您可以使用传统的WordPress界面,也可以使用Divi页面构建器。 这使您可以堆叠和排列为特定目的而预制的组件。

Load Layout

One of the options inside of Divi is the ability to choose a pre-made layout. This is a pre-built page design already built into your Divi WordPress theme. These pre-made layouts enable you to edit each module and replace the content with your own. This takes the difficulty out of design and development for your WordPress site.

Divi内部的选项之一是可以选择预制布局。 这是您的Divi WordPress主题中已内置的预构建页面设计。 这些预制的布局使您可以编辑每个模块,并用自己的内容替换内容。 这消除了WordPress网站设计和开发的难度。

Page Builder Example Layout

Pre-made layouts range from landing pages, to home pages, shops portfolios, corporate, masonry layouts, and more. There are many options to choose from. Clicking load will automatically enable this layout for the page that you’re working on.

预制的布局范围从登录页面到主页,商店投资组合,公司,砌体布局等等。 有很多选择。 单击加载将自动为您正在处理的页面启用此布局。


If you don’t use a pre-made layout, you can build your own. You can set your site up to have multiple columns simply by clicking in the window to add columns. You can determine whether you’d like a three column layout, a four column layout and any other variation you might expect.

如果您不使用预制布局,则可以构建自己的布局。 您只需在窗口中单击以添加列即可将站点设置为具有多个列。 您可以确定是否需要三列布局,四列布局以及其他可能需要的变化。

Specialty columns

If you want something a little more varied, you can click on the option in the bottom left to add a specialty section. These sections have more intricate and advanced layouts than the typical multi-column choice. Depending on your content, you can really mix it up with the special layout sections.

如果您想要更多一些变化,可以单击左下角的选项以添加专业部分。 这些部分比典型的多列选择具有更复杂,更高级的布局。 根据您的内容,您确实可以将其与特殊布局部分混在一起。

模组 (Modules)

There are modules for just about anything you could think of that you’d expect to see on any business or personal website. If you think about your website as a stack of blocks on top of one another, then it’s easy to stack and arrange these modules to fit together to build your page layouts. For example, you can click the slider module and choose to create a full width slider at the top of your page.

有一些模块可以满足您希望在任何企业或个人网站上看到的所有内容。 如果您将您的网站看作是一堆又一堆的块,那么很容易将这些模块堆叠并排列在一起,以构建页面布局。 例如,您可以单击滑块模块,然后选择在页面顶部创建全角滑块。


Depending on what type of page you’re trying to create, you can add things like filterable portfolios or pricing tables. This makes it easy for you to focus on your content, without worrying about how to build it.

根据您要创建的页面类型,您可以添加可过滤的投资组合或定价表之类的内容。 这使您可以轻松地专注于内容,而不必担心如何构建它。


There are some really interesting modules in this collection, such as bar and circle counters, as well as number counters. If you really want to show off any statistics for data in an interesting way, these counters can be animated.

此集合中有一些非常有趣的模块,例如长条形和圆形计数器以及数字计数器。 如果您真的想以一种有趣的方式展示数据的任何统计信息,可以对这些计数器进行动画处理。

Counters Live

选件 (Options)

Blurb Options

Each module has a lot of different options, giving you ultimate control over how your website will look and behave. These options will allow you to change colors, add background images, and you can even animate how they fade in as the user scrolls down the page.

每个模块都有许多不同的选项,使您可以最终控制网站的外观和行为。 这些选项将允许您更改颜色,添加背景图像,甚至可以为用户向下滚动页面时它们的淡入淡入效果做动画。

Slider Settings

For example, the image slider can be a full width slider, or you can change the layout so that there is an image on one side and text on another. With just a couple of clicks of your mouse you can greatly change the layout of your site. You can even add features like login forms and call to action buttons that lead users throughout your site.

例如,图像滑块可以是全角滑块,也可以更改布局,以便一侧有图像,另一侧有文本。 只需单击几下鼠标,您就可以极大地改变网站的布局。 您甚至可以添加诸如登录表单和号召性用语之类的功能,这些功能可以引导用户访问您的整个网站。

Contact Form

You can add features that you would expect to see in any other website, such as tabs and accordions. You can also insert full width images, as well as a working contact form on any page and in any location. You can even insert your shop anywhere you want and customize it with the settings that are available.

您可以添加希望在其他任何网站上看到的功能,例如标签和手风琴。 您还可以在任何页面和任何位置插入全角图像以及有效的联系表单。 您甚至可以将商店插入所需的任何位置,并使用可用的设置对其进行自定义。

使用方便 (Ease of Use)

The thing that stands out for me with the Divi WordPress theme is how easy it is to use. The entire interface, from start to finish is drag and drop. If you need to reorder the content or move it around, you simply place your mouse on the module and click and drag it in place.

Divi WordPress主题对我而言突出的是它的易用性。 整个界面从头到尾都是拖放操作。 如果需要重新排序内容或四处移动,只需将鼠标放在模块上,然后单击并将其拖到适当位置即可。

This theme is perfect for anyone who wants to create a custom layout, but who doesn’t know anything about how to code a WordPress theme of their own. It keeps the website design process more visual.

这个主题非常适合想要创建自定义布局但对如何编写自己的WordPress主题一窍不通的人。 它使网站设计过程更加直观。

动画制作 (Animations)

Even if you don’t know how to code a WordPress theme, there are built–in options for advanced features. If you can fill out a form or click buttons, you can add animations to your site. Certain modules give you the ability to animate how content appears. You can have content fade in, or you can choose for it to slide in from top to bottom or left to right.

即使您不知道如何编码WordPress主题,也有内置的高级功能选项。 如果您可以填写表格或单击按钮,则可以向网站添加动画。 某些模块使您能够对内容的显示方式进行动画处理。 您可以淡入内容,也可以选择从上到下或从左到右滑动内容。


The user experience is excellent when you choose this option. As the visitor scrolls down, content fades in, or it slides from a particular direction and falls into place as they scroll. You can even set it so that your site displays the parallax effect, where an image appears to be layered behind your content.

选择此选项时,用户体验非常好。 当访问者向下滚动时,内容会淡入,或者从特定方向滑动,然后在滚动时就位。 您甚至可以对其进行设置,以使您的站点显示视差效果,其中图像似乎位于内容的后面。

You can toggle features on and off with the different settings that are available. You can make icons or blurbs into live links that connect to other areas, or you can turn it off altogether.

您可以使用可用的不同设置来打开和关闭功能。 您可以将图标或Blubs变成连接到其他区域的实时链接,也可以完全将其关闭。

影片和背景图片 (Videos & Background Images)

Background Video

Divi gives you the ability to create custom sliders for the header of your site. You also have the ability to place a YouTube Video, or an MP4 on your site. You can set the background to a specified color, or you can upload a large image to use as a full screen background.

Divi使您能够为网站的标题创建自定义滑块。 您还可以在自己的网站上放置YouTube视频或MP4。 您可以将背景设置为指定的颜色,也可以上传大图像用作全屏背景。

结论 (Conclusion)

The ability to create a completely customized look for your site is where Divi stands out as a WordPress theme. You can do just about anything imaginable, simply by toggling options on and off. You have full control over colors and fonts, and the layout options provide infinite possibilities. If you don’t know how to code your own WordPress theme, but you want a beautiful custom website, Divi may be just the theme you’re looking for.

Divi能够为您的网站创建完全自定义的外观,这使Divi脱颖而出成为WordPress主题。 您只需打开和关闭选项,就可以做任何想得到的事情。 您可以完全控制颜色和字体,并且布局选项提供了无限的可能性。 如果您不知道如何编写自己的WordPress主题,但是想要一个漂亮的自定义网站,Divi可能就是您想要的主题。




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